Friday, July 20, 2012

Forgivness and Haters

They say forgiveness is a virtue. I believe in that saying. I may not act like it all the time but I’m all about forgiveness. Forgiveness cleanses the soul by flushing out hate filled emotional bile.
I know there are people in the world that do pretty despicable things and seem to get their rocks off by making others miserable but, the one true way to beat then is to forgive them. After you forgive them they no longer have dominion over your happiness or all the great things that make you… you.
So having said that here’s some sure fire ways to shut down a hater.
#5.  Try using this phrase. Hey. You know what you’re right. Most haters are insecure about their own intelligence so they love spouting off about random tidbits of knowledge in hopes of making someone else feel inadequate. They’ll probably do this by displaying an immense vocabulary skills, knowledge about politics, being informed on current events, or being techno savvy, or whatever. Nine times out of ten this person wants to debate or argue about something. Saying hey you know what your right completely shuts them down.  It’s the equivalent of saying you win, whatever, or I could care less. Haters always want center stage but you give them the spot light they never want to perform.    I’m not saying taking pride in reading or learning about new things makes you a snob or a hater it’s the way you go about sharing the information that you have acquired. If you intentionally put someone down or mock someone because of their lack of knowledge then you my friend are a hater.   

#4 .  Try offering them something. Haters are always out for themselves. They’re not use to people being generally nice without expecting something in return. Be nice and offer them something. That will blow their mind they won’t know what to do next. Especially if it’s something they could really use.
3. Ask them to repeat their selves. Haters are always muttering something unpleasant underneath their breath. Ask them to repeat their selves.  They’re usually too cowardly to repeat themselves but asking them to do so A. puts them on blast. And B. It lets them know you heard them. Now every once and awhile one might repeat   their selves and try to put on a show. When that happens, just walk away. As long as they don’t touch you just walk way and let them continue to make a fool out of their selves
#2.  Compliment them.  Haters are always busy putting other people down. They love to talk bad about people. The best way to counter act their negative vibes is to say something nice about them. That will put their hater brain on overload.
#1. Smile The tride and true way to shut down a hater is to laugh.  Hater’s absolutely cannot stand to see people happy. When a person is smiling or laughing a hater is completely blown away. They can’t take not being a part of the laugh. Smiling is like hater kryptonite.

Final note: 
I don’t know if these methods will work for you but they always seem to do the trick me. Don’t become a hater. Hatred is a waste of time. Why spend all your free time thinking of rotten things to say and do to people when you can just enjoy life? Hatred will consume your soul and deteriorate your physical health. You’ll lose sleep, have body aches, and age quicker.  Don’t hold on to grudges. It may take you a really long time to forgive a person that has wronged you, but as long as you are making a conscious effort to forgive them then you’re on your way to a hate free life.
 I’m Hallzie
This is my blog. These are my views.
If Hallzies not blogging about it. It’s not blog worthy!