The toast, burner, strap, itchy, fire, thang, iron tool, wammy, stinger, thumper, pound, viper, piece, steel, hawk, whatever the terminology they all spell gun. Guns have been around since the 14th century.
Since the invention of the gun man has used guns to hunt wildlife, police territory, protect life and to take life.
The gun has become embroidered in the fabric of American culture. In colonial times it was customary for men who felt that their honor was sullied to challenge another to a duel by smacking them across the face with a pair of white gloves. Once the challenge has been issued the two duelist then walk ten paces in the opposite direction turn and fire. Then whosever not dead or lying on the ground mortally wounded was the clear winner.
It would seem the American culture has always been fascinated with guns and gun violence. Our society seems to feed off the energy and mystic surrounding guns. Gun culture and violence is has been taught in schools for ages. In our schools we learn about people like Jessie James, Wyatt Earp, and Billy the kid. They were all known gun slingers. On the big screen you see the imagery in action adventure flicks all the time, the most epic cinematic movies depict gun violence. Even though the actors that star in those movies do not direct or write the movie script. Their names are always going to be associated with that imagery.
We have a serious problem with guns here in the US. There being used on a daily basis by people to kill. Shooting deaths and injuries caused by gunshot wounds are astronomical. Every time you think it can’t get any worse here it does. The Sandy Hooks massacre should have been an eye opener for how out of hand guns are getting in our society. Obviously it wasn’t because since then shooting deaths have been on the rise.
The second amendment grants a US citizen the right to bear arms. Actions are currently being taken to stiffen gun laws. They’re purposing to place bans on assault weapons and weapons with high-capacity ammunition magazines.
The burning question is will it work? If the bill does pass; will it stop or cut down on the shooting deaths in America? Can law makers come up with a bullet proof law with no loop holes or grey areas? If they do will what will be the penalty for breaking the new law?
Reflection: I do believe an individual has the right to own a fire arm to protect their selves. I do believe gun purest have the right to own guns for collection purposes. I do believe people that like to participate in marksman tournaments and go out to the gun range to buck off a few shots should be able to that no matter what ammunition magazine they have.
The bottom line: Guns don’t kill people. People kill people. They can pass all the anti-gun laws in the US if they want. If a person really wants a gun they’ll get it. If a person really wants to hurt or kill they’ll do it. It’s not just an American issue. It’s happening all over the world. To stop gun violence world leaders all over have to come together and say enough is enough.
This is my blog. These are my views.
If hallzies not blogging about it it’s not blog worthy! tm