Tuesday, May 21, 2013

A note to self

When I’m blogging I tend to blog about random things that are present on my mind. Sometimes my topics are super serious. Sometimes they are mildly amusing. Sometimes times they deliver moments of clarity. Sometimes they’re just glorified rants.  One thing that’s a constant is me writing from my perspective, keeping my integrity by refusing to succumb to gossiping about celebrites just for some blog traffic.( I do want some blog $$$ though) That’s nonsense. I'm trying to revive the lost art of conversation. Hence my coin phrase.(If Hallzies not blogging about it it’s not blog worthy!)  
I usually pull my inspirations from things I’ve noticed about others. This time I’m going do something different and point my finger inward. This one’s coming literally out of my neck of the woods.
I live in Des Moines, Iowa. I was just out for a little stroll. I was enjoying the nice weather. All the sudden I look up and see this graffiti tag. It read Black might be beautiful, Tan might be grand, but white is the color of the big boss Man.
I studied it for a second. I read it to myself two or three times. I said it out loud two or three times.  I made my mind up. This was racist and must not stand. I didn’t call a local news crew and report it. I took a picture and sent it to a sibling. I posted the Pic on My FB page and another social media networking site I’m a member of. I even showed it to some people I go to church with. SMH
Now that I’ve had some time to think about it, I wasted a whole lot of time worrying about it.  I never stopped to think that the person that wrote that might be a politically aware person of color and was attemptimting to make a deep point. The thought never crossed my mind that it could have been a really bored juvenile with nothing else constructive to do with themselves other than to deface public property or a homeless person off their meds.

What am I saying: I do this a lot. I point the finger. I judge. I don’t take responsibility. I jump to conclusions. I choose to feel singled out. I don’t take action. I blame.  In my defense it is a learned behavior among my people. I can’t get a job? The white  man’s keeping you down. Can’t get a decent education? Whitey. Can’t apply the education that you did manage to earn in life. bobo.  I can run it down it down all day.
THE Bottom line:I didn’t march in the civil rights movement. I wasn’t beaten with bats and clubs for being black. I wasn’t sprayed down with fire hoses. I didn’t wake up to burning crosess in my front lawn. I did however get called the Nword quiet a bit  and receive less than friendly customer service from time to time from local business establishment, but I digress.Even so its  still; pale in progress to all that fought, risked their freedom, and struggled for the luxuries that I have today. I didn’t have to go through any of those horrible things on a daily basis growing up. Yeah not even here; in little unprogressive Iowa. If you got the time to complain you have the time to strike a blow. Lead the charge! Demonstrate!  We live in the information age.  Your ammunition to fight this war is at the tip of your fingers. Litterally . USE it! Get informed. Get active. Get real.
This was really just an out loud letter to myself but if hit home great.  I can’t promise my next one will be a thunder moment like this one, but you better belive it'll be blog worthy.
I’m Hallzie. This my blog. These are my views.
 If hallzies not blogging about it its not blog worthy!