It seems like every social media site these days has a wall. Everyone loves to post there innermost feelings on that wall. Some things people post on their wall are trivial things like; hmm I wonder what I should have for dinner tonight. Other things are clear cries for help like; I wonder if anybody would miss me if I was gone. I fill most of my free time reading other people’s wall comments.
If your in a relationship or like talking in subliminal code to people on your friend list or follow you on another social site here are some simple rules you should follow to avoid wall beef.
Tip1 # If you're just thinking out loud and venting when you post; make it crystal clear in your post that your blowing off some steam when you post the comment. This will avoid people hitting up your wall asking you what’s wrong with you.
Tip# 2 If you’re in a relationship and the person your involved with is on your list or you have a good feeling that they stalk your wall post’s you probably shouldn’t post things like I need some new loven,time for a change, I don’t see where this thing with us is going, or it’ s about to go down tonight. If you post anything like that you’re just opening up the door for interrogation by the other person.
#3 If you are affiliated with a gang, crew, click, squad, fam, or street organization of any kind you probably should not be posting death threats , drug references, crests, emblems, or things that may be interpreted as gang activity or drug dealer lingo. You might as well hang a sign around your neck that reads arrest me. Police read walls too idiot!
#4 Never comment on someone’s wall that you don’t know or hardly ever speak to. That takes a lot of nerve. If you don’t know the person or hardly ever speak to them what do you think gives you the right to throw your peanut gallery comments their way? Get a life. Mind your own business.
#5 Never ever everleave a comment on someone else’s wall pertaining to grammar or spelling. Who do you think you are? How bored does a person have to be to point out spelling errors on a person’s wall? WTF? Give them a benefit of the doubt and chalk it up as a type-o not a misspelled word.
Try following these rules and you should be wall beef free. Read the wall.Respect the wall. Love the wall.
This has been another blog worthy topic courtesy of Hallzies blog worthy blog. Remember if Hallzies not blogging about it. Its not blog worthy!
Some people like splitting hairs or being inconsistent with the things they say. It’s like their playing games with their words. I think most people refer to it as beating around the bush. They believe if they word it in a certain way it won’t be so offensive and if you get offended by the message it’s because you choose to be offended. I say that’s a load of garbage. Having said that I’m going to jump right into a list of phrase word player’s love to use.
#5 No offense:Now when a word player utters this phrase the next couple words out of their mouth is going to be totally offensive. That was the whole point of the statement. Their objective is to offend you. FOH with that no offense BS!
#4 Not to knock you:LMAO. Ok when a word player uses this phrase their going to talk real bad about you. You better believe they’re about to seriously knock you. Their going to call you every name in the book and a few that they took some special time to make up just for you. Not to knock you for using this phrase, but your full of shit.
#3 If this sounds wrong I apologize in advance: OK now whoever uses this one is planning on being blatantly being disrespectful. They know it sounds wrong before they say it but they’re going to say it regardless.If this sounds wrong I apologize in advance. Kill yo self!
#2 I hope you don’t take this the wrong way:If a word player tells you this they’rereally hoping you take whatever they’re about to say to heart. I hope you don’t take this the wrong way but you suck as a person if you use this phrase.
#1 No disrespect. LOL when a word player uses this they bout to disrespect the hell out of you. No disrespect but fuck you.
Reflection: When communication gets choppy you have to know how to slice through it.
Hallzies blogs are:Blog worthy blogs Insightful observations from an urban pov. No celeb gossip, raw, fun, breath of fresh air. Blogging that's straight HAM
Remember: If Hallzies not blogging about it it’s not blog worthy!
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Yes Black people live in Iowa
The world is full of misconceptions, stereotypes, and unintelligent assumptions about pretty much everything. People in vision a certain image about a person or place based on things they have either seen in movies or heard other people talking about. They have not gone the distance to find out if these things are true before they start assuming things. They have not talked to a person or visited a place or tried to collect the accurate amount of data they need to make an informed decision about something. It’s like people can’t differentiate fantasy from reality. For example, an actor or actress might do such a great job in a movie brining life to a fictional character a fan or admirer of the actor or actress might call them by the fictional character’s name they portrayed in the movie instead of greeting them by their stage name.
The same thing is true when it comes to places. A person should never jump to conclusions about a place they have never visited before. I think out of all the places in the US people jump to conclusions about is a little place called Iowa. To make matters worse with all this modern technology and information sharing people still don’t act like they know black people inhabit this state. So in the true spirit of my blog I’m going to give you some blog worthy tips on how not to jump to conclusions and how to avoid messing around and getting found.
Tip #1 Acknowledge the fact that black people live in Iowa. It never fails every time I speak to another person from another state the very first phrase out of their mouth’s there’s black people in Iowa?It can be a person well into their fifties that utters this ridiculous phrase. Yes idiot there are black people in Iowa, I’m black. What did you think they did clone me in a lab?
Tip#2 Learn the difference between Iowa and Ohio. I can’t believe I even have to give this tip out but for some odd reason people get the two states mixed up. They do not sound alike nor are they spelled alike. O-Ohio. I-Iowa. Get it?
Tip#3 Do not stereotype. Ok here’s the deal black people and most people that live here in general don’t grow their own produce in their yards, we don’t drive around on tractor’s on city streets, we don’t use the grocery store parking lot as a hang out spot (the police won’t let us),sweet corn is delicious but we don’t eat it with every single damn meal. We know about BET, MTV, satellite radio an all that other shit black people watch and listen to.
Tip#4 Don’t complain. The black people that inhabit this state are in a general consensus that the social activities that exist here are subpar at best compared to other activites of larger states in the US and we don’t want to be constantly reminded of this fact by other black people not native to Iowa by saying this place sucks ya’ll aint got shit. Ok we know this already. Heres’ a question I’d like to ask you though. If it sucks so badly why are you down here? Go back to where ever you came from. Oh wait a minute. Your punk ass got ran up out of where you originally hail from. Don’t say you got tired of seeing people getting killed every day, don’t say better jobs or school, just tell the truth. You thought black people in Iowa were slow witted and soft didn’t you? Then you came down here thinking you could just take over and you got checked and put in you place very quickly by the natives didn’t you? Yeah of course you did.
Bottom line: Ok if you follow these tips you should be alright. If you are black yourself just use common sense. If you now or have ever lived in the streets and have ever had to follow a street protocol where you lived to survive then you shouldn’t underestimate locals and assume those same rules would not apply here. You can’t run up on Mike Epps with that ole dae dae shit, or Katt Williams with that ole pimpn pimpn shit and think they’re not going to check you. So don’t run up on a black person from Iowa with that ole field of dreams shit.
As always: Hallzies blogs features real bog worthy topics. No celebrity gossip, no blow up, no hype, just real life down to earth observations from my POV. And remember if hallzies not blogging about it it’s not blog worthy!
They say forgiveness is a virtue. I believe in that saying. I may not act like it all the time but I’m all about forgiveness. Forgiveness cleanses the soul by flushing out hate filled emotional bile.
I know there are people in the world that do pretty despicable things and seem to get their rocks off by making others miserable but, the one true way to beat then is to forgive them. After you forgive them they no longer have dominion over your happiness or all the great things that make you… you.
So having said that here’s some sure fire ways to shut down a hater.
#5.Try using this phrase.Hey. You know what you’re right. Most haters are insecure about their own intelligence so they love spouting off about random tidbits of knowledge in hopes of making someone else feel inadequate. They’ll probably do this by displaying an immense vocabulary skills, knowledge about politics, being informed on current events, or being techno savvy, or whatever. Nine times out of ten this person wants to debate or argue about something. Saying hey you know what your right completely shuts them down.It’s the equivalent of saying you win, whatever, or I could care less. Haters always want center stage but you give them the spot light they never want to perform. I’m not saying taking pride in reading or learning about new things makes you a snob or a hater it’s the way you go about sharing the information that you have acquired. If you intentionally put someone down or mock someone because of their lack of knowledge then you my friend are a hater.
#4 . Try offering them something. Haters are always out for themselves. They’re not use to people being generally nice without expecting something in return. Be nice and offer them something. That will blow their mind they won’t know what to do next. Especially if it’s something they could really use.
3. Ask them to repeat their selves. Haters are always muttering something unpleasant underneath their breath. Ask them to repeat their selves.They’re usually too cowardly to repeat themselves but asking them to do so A. puts them on blast. And B. It lets them know you heard them. Now every once and awhile one might repeat their selves and try to put on a show. When that happens, just walk away. As long as they don’t touch you just walk way and let them continue to make a fool out of their selves
#2. Compliment them. Haters are always busy putting other people down. They love to talk bad about people. The best way to counter act their negative vibes is to say something nice about them. That will put their hater brain on overload.
#1. Smile The tride and true way to shut down a hater is to laugh.Hater’s absolutely cannot stand to see people happy. When a person is smiling or laughing a hater is completely blown away. They can’t take not being a part of the laugh. Smiling is like hater kryptonite.
Final note:
I don’t know if these methods will work for you but they always seem to do the trick me. Don’t become a hater. Hatred is a waste of time. Why spend all your free time thinking of rotten things to say and do to people when you can just enjoy life? Hatred will consume your soul and deteriorate your physical health. You’ll lose sleep, have body aches, and age quicker.Don’t hold on to grudges. It may take you a really long time to forgive a person that has wronged you, but as long as you are making a conscious effort to forgive them then you’re on your way to a hate free life.
I’m Hallzie
This is my blog. These are my views.
If Hallzies not blogging about it. It’s not blog worthy!
I’m all for trying your best and being all you can be. I firmly believe that one must get and keep an optimistic I’m a winner mentality to succeed in life; but one must also accept one’s weaknesses. Sometime you got to keep it real with yourself and say hey I gave it a shot and you know what I think it’s just not in the cards for me to do this.
Yeah you got to know when to chalk it the game sometimes and accept an L.Everybody has hang –ups and short comings in life. When faced with your hang ups hang it up and let it dry.Having said that here’s a list of scenarios in which a person should definitely hang it up.
Hang it up if you are an x gamer and have been doing stupid stunts on skateboards and bikes for nearly a decade and you’re not on any professional teams or have any commercial endorsement deals. Hang it up bro it’s not in the cards for you to be a daredevil. All you’re going to end up doing is becoming a paraplegic.
Hang it up if you love clubbing but you can only go to clubs that don’t have a one drink minimum or a cover charge. Um you probably can’t afford to go out every single weekend either. You most likely wear the same damn outfit every time you do go out. You can’t by the bar, hell you probably can’t pop one bottle of some cheap shit.You can’t make it rain, you can’t afford a VIP section, you can’t parking lot pimp, you can’t by a wing basket or a shrimp basket. Hang it up. Buy a bottle of knock off Ciroc call some friends over to play some bones and spades. Don’t go out to the club! Hang it up.
Hang it up if you want to be a singer but can’t sing a lick.When you sing do people bite their bottom lip? When you sing do people roll their eyes or stop you before you get to the bridge of the song? Are you in a choir? Have you ever won a talent show? If you can answer yes to the first two and no to the last two guess what. Yo ass can’t sing! If you’re in the single digits, preteens, late teens and early twenties you might get better in time. If your beyond that age just hum or sing in the shower because all the voice lessons in the world aint going to help you. Don’t sing because you can’t! hang it up!
Hang it up if you love the idea of finding that special one and being in love if you’re a nympho. If every story you tell involves people making out, clothes coming off or some type sexual act or some type of misogyny then hate to bust your bubble but you’re a horny mof. If you can’t control your sexual urges you’re never going to be in a healthy relationship. You need medicine, Jesus, Allah, Buddha, Jehovah, JAH,... all of em. . Maybe losing your porn collection might help out too. A steady relationship just aint in the cards for you. Move to Cali and pursue a career in the adult film industry, but for the most part hang it up!
Hang it up if your over 40 years old and your still gang banging. If your lieutenants are your teenage sons and nephews in their twenties. You might be past your prime. You need to take that do rag off, pull your pants up, pull that one pant leg down, and quit making an ass out of yourself. If you approach a woman in the night club and say hey baby girl let me holla at cha to get her attention,you might be living in the past. If you have grey hair and still wear French braids, or Indian braids hang it the fuck up! Your tour of duty is officially over OG. You need to quit hangn out with them babies and grow the hell up.You need to join a lodge and do some old guy shit.
Hang it up if you hail from another country and don’t write, speak, read, or understand your native tongue. Especailly if you’re Asian or Latino WTF. I know the American culture is pretty amazing. We got McDonalds, stove top mac n cheese, American Idol, and MTV but damn it if everybody in your family speaks your native tongue and you’re the only one that doesn’t you might as well hang it up and just say you're Caucasian because you suck at representing your nationality. Seriously!
Hang it up if you’re a blogger and all you do is blog about celebrities on your blog. Um newsflash them mof got money. If their famous and on TV their probably getting paid. They don’t give two shits about you trashing them in your timeline on twitter, especially if they drive an Aston Martin. You’re wasting your time. Get some fresh air and a life.
Well can’t talk about everybody else without talking about myself. I’m black and live in Iowa, I’m under six feet tall, I’m middle aged with no children, I’m chunky, and my hair is starting to thin. I’m trying to make a love connection with a 22 year old chick that lives 3 states away from me that I met on a social network. Yup. I hung it up aloooong time ago. Life's a crap shoot and you have to take a chance to win. but when you gamble you also got to know when the cash the chips in.
I’m Hallzie.
This is my blog
These are my views.
If Hallzies not blogging about it. It’s not blog worthy!
It has been several a weeks since the senseless death of a seventeen year old youth by the name of Trevon Martin. The African American community in Florida is outraged and wants immediate justice. Many people that have heard about the story of his unfortunate demise and say that there was no warrant for that type of force to be used against that young man. The neighborhood that the tragedy took place was a safe one and no gun violence ever occurred there.
The burning question is did race or just plain old stupidity play a role in his death. It’s increasingly becoming common for black males to lose their lives at an early age due to gun violence in America. The Usual prescriptions for gun violence include law enforcement, gang activity, accidental weapon discharge, and domestic disputes. None of these are a factor surrounding Trevon’s death.
He was gunned down by a self-appointed neighborhood watch official. The key word is self. Who asked this guy to patrol the neighborhood?Who told him he could be a block captain? Nobody Told GeorgeZimmeramn to defend that block. Zimmerman was acting under his own free will. He created this entire situation for nothing.Everybody wants to know if Zimmerman would have shot Martin if he were a white teen wearing a hoodie. Since when did wearing a sports hoodie become grounds to shoot someone? I personally feel that race played a role in it but I also believe idiocy played a bigger role. Guns don’t kill people. Stupid mof’s with guns kill people.Did you see Zimmerman’s mug shot? He looks like genius huh? (not)
I believe justice will be served. I’m just afraid that it might not be served quick enough. I’m really afraid that there might be a riot if immediate justice is not served. One thing that my people have proven time and time again is that we will rise up in a fiery anger if we are treated unjustly. I hope people can just keep their cool and keep in mind that the wheels of justice turn very slowly. There are people incarcerated right now and are contemplating pleading out to lesser charges for a crime that they did not commit in the first place just in hopes of seeing the light of day again before they get too old to enjoy it.
This is my blog and that’s my opinion.
I’m dying to hear opinion.Leave your comment onthe comments section of my blog and remember; If Hallzies not bloggn about it’s not blog worthy!
The infamous World Star hip Hop site has recently been decommissioned. That’s right World Star got shut down. If you liked the content on World Star then you’ll have to go elsewhere to view such videos.
For those of you who are unfamiliar with World Star Hip Hop I’ll try my best to break down the site. World star is like a bootlegged version of YouTube. Some of the vids posted on there are satirical skits and other video clips contain African Americans getting filmed in compromising positions. They have everything to gang fights, to people jonesing(playing the dozens, ranking, dissn etc.) on each other to family dysfunction. They also have rap beefs, celebrity gossip, and UMM… I don’t know what to call people like her but Kat Stacks. (Skeezer See older post on Hallzies blogs for definition)
Many African American leaders and celebrities rejoiced about the site being shut down. They said media outlets like that are tarring apart all the accomplishments and progress the African American community has made as a people. They say that the images and content on media outlets such as World Star depict a negative image of African Americans and perpetuate stereotypes. Hip Hop artist say that the site has nothing what’s so ever to do with the art form and is a mockery and disgrace to Hip Hop.
I have been guilty of indulging in World Star Hip Hop vids from time to time and yes as an African American male I’m a little ashamed of myself for finding amassment in some of the disturbing imagery on that site. However, isn’t it just as retrogressive to tune into radio shows that instigate and encourage on air rants? Isn’t wrong to watch movies and listen to music that advocates ignorance and violence?
Well we can go back and forth on what’s wrong and right but the bottom line is money. That’s right. Money. The green stuff. There is a market for tripe like that. The only way to combat things like that is to not support it. You don’t buy they can’t sell. It’s that simple. Don’t subscribe or thumbs up or file share it.
So whose fault is it that content like that exists in the first place? It’s not the white man’s fault on this one. That’s our people acting a fool like that. That’s our entertainers in rare form on shows like that. The responsibility to not have that type of content falls on us. Shutting down World Star isn’t a triumph it’s just an eye opener for how out of control were getting as a people. It’s like anything goes now. There’s no such thing as the word no, Saying no comment in interviews ….you might as well be speaking in Greek cause nobody gets it.
Well I’m all commented out on this topic but feel free to leave me your comments.
As Always: No Celebrity gossip, just real talk on my blog.
I’m Hallzie and if I'm not blogging about it than it’s not blog worthy!
Talk about an elephant in the room.Barack Obamais hands down the most disrespected president in American history.Sure some of his policies are a little shady and he didn’t live up to more than half of his campaign promises, but in the world of politics who really ever does? The thing that gets me about the disrespect is that most of the people that disresect him claim that race isn’t a factor.
I say yeah right . Matters of race are like substance abuse problems. One must admit the problem exists before it can get resolved.Americans get outraged when people of color speak out on behalf of Barack. Then they question their motives on why they voted for him in the first place. I don’t know a whole lot about the world of politics but can somebody please answer the following questions for me.
Is it a common political practice to yell at the president of the United States in public? (Jan Brewer)
How many days should a president be referred to as president elect after being sworn into the White House?
Is it acceptable behavior to call the president of The United States a Liar in a press conference? (Joe Wilson)
Has any president in in the American history of politics ever had to be subjected to a progress report reflecting the number of campaign promises they kept after being elected?
Has any other president of the United States received produce?
(watermelon email?)
I don’t know about the rest of all you guys out there in blog land but these things seem a little rhymes with spacial to me.
If I’m jumping the gun on this please feel free to enlighten me.
This is Hallzies blog spot. If I’m not blogging about it....
How freakn bored was the person that thought up this dumb challenge? Hmm I'm bored I think I'll try and eat a tablespoon of cinnamon. FOH!
#4 Twitter beef.
Ok, First off what happend to just pubically telling someone that you don't like them? Why would you get on twitter just to blast someone else or call them out? That's not blogworthy at all that's really just cowardly.
#3 Video Skeezers:
If you were born in the late 80's or the 90's you might not know what this term means. I'll try to do my best to break it down. It's 80's slang for groupie.It also reffers to a woman out for monitary rewards such as money, hair and nails, clothes,car, drugs, liquor etc. in exchange for sexual relations. Skeezers are very similar to prostitutes except for one key factor. A prostitute only cares about getting paid for their services. They don't want to socialize or be seen with the John(person paying for sex) after the date is over. They also don't care about the John's popularity or social standing in life. However, with a skeezer bragging rights are just as important as the money. The John must be a famous celeb or baller.(a popular and wealthy drug dealer) They want the world to know they have slept with an important person, because they want to feel as glamorous and important as the person they've slept with. After a skeezer's date is over they linger and go out of their way to be seen with and socialize with the John. I felt that I had to resurrect the phrase skeezer for this blog piece because that term describes woman like that so well. These f*#ck'nskeezers are writting books, starting youtube accounts, and blogging about all the celebrites that they have skeezed with. Skeezkers are not blog worthy at all. The only thing their doing is making it hard for females that are actually trying to do something positive with themselves and earn an honest living dancing in videos, I'm not knocking a skeezer's hustle but their recieving way too much free press for spitting venom and semen on celebs. Damn skeezers!
No lengthy reson behind this one. I don't own any pets. Nothing against people that do but in my opinionreading about them is boring and a little creepy.
#1Celebrity gossip:
I myself have been sucked into reading smutty dribble. With all the natural disaters, money problems, and social issues pleauging the world today, who wore what on the red carpet should be the least of an individuals concerns. While your worried about what their doing I guarentee they'll never even know you exist. Unless you work for a widely read magazine or media outlet your opinion is not important. Those famous people you love to rag on and gossip about are living life and enjoying the fruits of their hard labor. They have a life. You should try getting one. If your reading or following my blogs you can't say get a life to me because I don''t do celebrity gossip on my blog. If I refference a celebrity it's in a positive or or just as a colorful euphamism or purely saterical. On Hallzie's blog you'll read about personl gripes I have, clever observations, real talk and real life. When you start your own blog you can blog about whatever turns you on. All those things I named don't intrest me in the least.
I'm Hallzie and if you love blogs that feature blog wothy material then you on the right page.
If Hallzies not blogging about it it's not Blog Worthy!
Did you watch Bet’s top tenrappers of the twenty first century countdown?
If you didn’t you didn’t miss too much. It was just a panel of bias judges.
They have either with, worked alongside, or been employed by the entire artist that made the countdown.
It was too funny. Some of that artist clearly did not need to be on that countdown.
The name of the countdown implies on how serious the countdown should be. The judges were clearly treating it like a joke. They were not trying to do research of any kind to make their decisions.
The only thing more amusing about the countdown it’s self was the emcee’s and artists that didn’t make the ridiculously laughable list. Getting all bent out of shape about a list that has no real merit.
It was basically some randomly thrown together bull s#h*t . There are a lot of rappers really upset behind not making the list. So they didn’t make the list. Boo Freakn whooo. So what!! I look at it like this.
If you’re an emcee or artist and you’ve been constantly making albums, touring, doing mixtapes, acting, getting endorsement deals, or just getting money in the industry for five years or longer you straight. Stop trippn.
I know you probably take your craft seriously (and you should) However; this countdown was clearly not official.
Don’t get yourself all worked up over nothing. The last thing hip hop needs is another war. If History has taught us anything it’s how easily the media takes things out of context. Like for example another artist bruiting about not making the list and inadvertently putting down a rapper that did make the list on camera.
If you’re rapping right now you should be thankful. The true pioneers blazed a trail for you. There are so many new ways for an emcee to get money in the rap game it’s not even funny. These opportunities were not available to rappers in the early eighties, nineties, and even the early years of 2k. You should be thankful you're able to make money off your gift and be in the position to help other people. You don’t need some top ten list to validate your significance as an emcee or artist.
America has gotten out of hand with celebrity gossip. It’s like everybody has gone completely mental over celebrities. People want to know who they are dating, where they hang out, who they hang out with and if they have a problem with other celebrities. Every time you turn on the news or surf the web there it is plain as day, celebrity gossip.
It’s like people don’t have anything else better to do with themselves other than worrying about famous people .Celebrities are the same as you and me just in a different social class and tax bracket. They require all the basic needs everybody else does. So what is the big deal about knowing them on a personal level? Do you think you’re twenty or thirty bucks you spent on their film or recording dics entitles to you to such information?
If you think having that knowledge is useful you need to turn off that TV and get a life. There’s nothing wrong with being a fan. If you’re going to be a fan, be a cool fan. Don’t be over compulsive; don’t become overly obsessed with them. Don’t become a celebrity stalker. Here’s some nice normal healthy fan activates.
1. Being a member of a fan club
2. Going to see your favorite preform
3. Blogging about them
4. Journal entries
5. Asking them politely for an autograph when you see them.
6. Accepting no for an answer.
7. Not sack riding, brown nosing, pole jocking , sweating , or begging them for their time.
Non Healthy fan activities
1.Blocking their path with your body
2.Exposing yourself to them
3.Groping them
4.Telling lies on them
5.Blasting them on your twitter page
6.Demanding they give you an autograph
7.Not accepting no for an answer
8.Sack riding, brown nosing,pole jocking, sweating them and begging them for their time.
Hope this has been helpful
This blog PSA has been brought to you by Hallzies blogs. If HAllzie’s not bogging about it it’s not blog worthy.