Monday, September 10, 2012

Word players

Some people like splitting hairs or being inconsistent with the things they say. It’s like their playing games with their words. I think most people refer to it as beating around the bush. They believe if they word it in a certain way it won’t be so offensive and if you get offended by the message it’s because you choose to be offended. I say that’s a load of garbage. Having said that I’m going to jump right into a list of phrase word player’s love to use.

#5 No offense: Now when a word player utters this phrase the next couple words out of their mouth is going to be totally offensive. That was the whole point of the statement. Their objective is to offend you. FOH with that no offense BS!
#4 Not to knock you:LMAO. Ok when a word player uses this phrase their going to talk real bad about you. You better believe they’re about to seriously knock you. Their going to call you every name in the book and a few that they took some special time to make up just for you. Not to knock you for using this phrase, but your full of shit.
#3 If this sounds wrong I apologize in advance: OK now whoever uses this one is planning on being blatantly being disrespectful. They know it sounds wrong before they say it but they’re going to say it regardless.  If this sounds wrong I apologize in advance. Kill yo self!
#2 I hope you don’t take this the wrong way:  If a word player tells you this they’re  really hoping you take whatever they’re about to say to heart. I hope you don’t take this the wrong way but you suck as a person if you use this phrase.
#1 No disrespect. LOL when a word player uses this they bout to disrespect the hell out of you. No disrespect but fuck you.

Reflection: When communication gets choppy you have to know how to slice through it.
Hallzies blogs are:Blog worthy blogs Insightful observations from an urban pov. No celeb gossip, raw, fun, breath of fresh air. Blogging that's straight HAM

Remember: If Hallzies not blogging about it it’s not blog worthy!

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