Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Yes Black people live in Iowa

The world is full of misconceptions, stereotypes, and unintelligent assumptions about pretty much everything. People in vision a certain image about a person or place based on things they have either seen in movies or heard other people talking about. They have not gone the distance to find out if these things are true before they start assuming things. They have not talked to a person or visited a place or tried to collect the accurate amount of data they need to make an informed decision about something. It’s like people can’t differentiate fantasy from reality. For example, an actor or actress might do such a great job in a movie brining life to a fictional character a fan or admirer of the actor or actress might call them by the fictional character’s name they portrayed in the movie instead of greeting them by their stage name.
The same thing is true when it comes to places. A person should never jump to conclusions about a place they have never visited before. I think out of all the places in the US people jump to conclusions about is a little place called Iowa. To make matters worse with all this modern technology and information sharing people still don’t act like they know black people inhabit this state. So in the true spirit of my blog I’m going to give you some blog worthy tips on how not to jump to conclusions and how to avoid messing around and getting found.
Tip #1 Acknowledge the fact that black people live in Iowa. It never fails every time I speak to another person from another state the very first phrase out of their mouth’s there’s black people in Iowa?  It can be a person well into their fifties that utters this ridiculous phrase. Yes idiot there are black people in Iowa, I’m black. What did you think they did clone me in a lab?
Tip#2 Learn the difference between Iowa and Ohio. I can’t believe I even have to give this tip out but for some odd reason people get the two states mixed up. They do not sound alike nor are they spelled alike. O-Ohio. I-Iowa.   Get it?
Tip#3 Do not stereotype. Ok here’s the deal black people and most people that live here in general don’t grow their own produce in their yards, we don’t drive around on tractor’s on city streets, we don’t use the grocery store parking lot as a hang out spot (the police won’t let us),  sweet corn is delicious but we don’t eat it with every single damn meal. We know about BET, MTV, satellite radio an all that other shit black people watch and listen to.
Tip#4 Don’t complain. The black people that inhabit this state are in a general consensus that the social activities that exist here are subpar at best compared to other activites of  larger states in the US and we don’t want to be constantly reminded of this fact by other black people not native to Iowa by saying this place sucks ya’ll aint got shit. Ok we know this already. Heres’ a question I’d like to ask you though. If it sucks so badly why are you down here? Go back to where ever you came from. Oh wait a minute. Your punk ass got ran up out of where you originally hail from. Don’t say you got tired of seeing people getting killed every day, don’t say better jobs or school, just tell the truth. You thought black people in Iowa were slow witted and soft didn’t you? Then you came down here thinking you could just take over and you got checked and put in you place very quickly by the natives didn’t you? Yeah of course you did.

Bottom line: Ok if you follow these tips you should be alright. If you are black yourself just use common sense. If you now or have ever lived in the streets and have ever had to follow a street protocol where you lived to survive then you shouldn’t underestimate locals and assume those same rules would not apply here.  You can’t run up on Mike Epps with that ole dae dae shit, or Katt Williams with that ole pimpn pimpn shit and think they’re not going to check you. So don’t run up on a black person from Iowa with that ole field of dreams shit.

As always:  Hallzies blogs features real bog worthy topics. No celebrity gossip, no blow up, no hype, just real life down to earth observations from my POV. And remember if hallzies not blogging about it it’s not blog worthy!

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